An ear, nose, and throat doctor (ENT) specializes in everything having to do with those parts of the body they diagnoses and treats conditions affecting the head, neck, and ears in adults and children. They perform both nonsurgical and surgical treatments. They are also called otolaryngologists.
Some Of The Conditions Treated By Them Are As Follows:
Ear Conditions:
- Infections in outer, middle or inner ear.
- A hole in tympanic membrane - Ruptured Eardrum
- Ringing in ears - Tinnitus
- A feeling of unbalance which often results from inner ear disorders - Dizzines
- A sensation that surroundings are spinning - Vertigo
- Block in the tubes that connect middle ears to upper throat - Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
- Abnormal bone growth in middle ear Otosclerosis
- A rare inner ear disorder that effects hearing and sense of balance - Meniere’s Disease
- Mild to severe Hearing Loss
Nose Conditions:
- Inflammation or infection of sinuses - Sinusitis.
- Nosebleeds due to infections, allergies or trauma.
- Allergies due to pollen, pet dander or other environmental irritants.
- Inflammation of the mucus membranes that line the nose - Rhinitis.
- When excess mucus builds up and drips down the back of throat - Postnasal Drip.
- A condition in which the septum is off-centre - Deviated Septum.
- Noncancerous growths common in people with chronic allergies, asthma or sinus infections - Nasal Polyps.
- Tumors inside the nose may be cancerous or noncancerous - Nasal And Paranasal Tumors.
Throat Conditions:
- Soar throat due to infections, allergies or exposure to certain irritants.
- Difficulty swallowing - Dysphagia.
- Infection in tonsils - Tonsillitis.
- Swelling of voice box - Laryngitis.
- Vocal Cord Conditions - includes vocal nodules, vocal cord paralysis or vocal cord disfunction.
Sleep Disorders:
- Snoring.
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Tumors Of Head And Neck (Both Cancerous And Noncancerous):
- Noncancerous growths which contains extra blood vessels - Hemangiomas.
- Salivary Gland Tumors - which can be cancerous or noncancerous
- The most common form of head and neck cancer - Oral Cancer.
- The most common type of cancer which affects the middle part of the throat - Oropharyngeal Cancer.
- Laryngeal Cancer - which effects the larynx.
- Nasopharyngeal Cancer - which effects the upper part of the throat.
- Thyroid Cancer - which affects the thyroid glands
Schedule an appointment with our ENT Specialist if you develop any of the above mentioned persistent symptoms.
Our Ent Specialist:
Dr. Vijayaprabhu