The area of medicine that involves the treatment of women's diseases, especially those of the reproductive organs which includes the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and breasts. It is often paired with the field of obstetrics, forming the combined area of obstetrics and gynaecology. Obstetrics deals with pregnancy and its associated procedures and complications, gynaecology involves treating women who are not pregnant. A doctor who specializes in gynaecology is called gynaecologist.
Our Gynaecologists have Advanced Training in:
- Family planning.
- Minimally invasive surgery.
- Pediatric and adolescent Gynaecology.
- Pelvic medicine.
- Menopause or hormonal issues.
- Gynaecological oncology - Diagnoses and treat cancers of the female reproductive system .
- Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility - They manages hormonal and conception problems including with IVF (in vitro fertilisation).
- Urogynaecology - treats bladder and pelvic-floor problems.
- Ultrasound - Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
Our Team of Gynaecologists:
Dr. Gayathri B
Dr. Gayathri Devi
Dr. Gomathy Praveen
Dr. Pavithra
MS (OBG).,FMAS.,DRM- Fertility Specialist
Dr. Thamizh Thendral S D S